Potatoes have been respected and prized by our ancestors for centuries.

Somehow, humans knew that they had to eat potatoes in order to maintain a healthy wellbeing. Aware that the potato not only prevented hunger pains, but it provided physical energy to work and sustain long working hours and days.   

Bad press in the modern world has made potatoes the vegetable that people love….. but hate because of ‘calories’. However, the role of the potato is to enhance your life force. Not to make you overweight. 

There are more than one hundred varieties of potato worldwide. Each variety being specific to the self-reliant health needs of the inhabitants and their environment. 

Nutritional Facts 

No Fat, No Sodium

One cup of baked potato contains –

Vitamin B6 – 32%   Vitamin B3 – 15%  Copper – 22%   Fiber – 14%

Potassium – more than a banana.

Manganese17%,   Phosphorus17%

Vitamin. C. 45% of our daily needs.  

Extra Nutritional Benefits of Purple Potatoes 

Fruits and vegetables that are deep in the colour blue or purple,  are rich in the antioxidant anthocyanin which is found in the powerful flavonoid family of antioxidants.  The same as blueberries and pomegranates.

Potato Juice.

Juice can be stored in Fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Skin: Dab a little potato juice on wrinkles, acne and sunburn. Witness its magic working.

Weight Loss: one glass of potato juice speeds up weight loss. Add a little lemon juice for better absorption. You can also add ginger and carrot for flavour. Or, cucumber and celery with some fresh dill and/or parsley.

Eyes, dark circles/puffiness:  Using a cotton ball,  dab a little potato juice under the eyes. And/or lie down, place a thin potato slice on each eye for 15 – 20 mins.  Remove slice and wipe the eyes with a dry cloth. 

Detox Body Disease toxins:  Cleans liver, treats arthritic disease, kidney disease, pancreas, diabetes,urinary disorders and some heart issues. Drink one glass of  juice on rising and one before you go to bed at night.

Stomach ulcer/food toxicity: Combine potato juice with a carrot to calm, heal and flush out irritants.

Hair/ Itchy Scalp/ Hair Loss:  After shampooing you hair, rinse in slightly  diluted potato juice.  It treats topical scalp issues.  It makes hair shine and stimulates healthy hair growth.

Teeth/Gums: Use lukewarm,  cooked salted potato water as a gargle to heal inflammations in the oral cavity and as a treatment for periodontitis.

Headaches: for hundreds of years headache sufferers have attached thick slices of potato to their forehead and or temples. It is known to soothe and dull the pain.

Burns: While cooking……… if you accidentally burn your fingers or hand……  quickly grab a potato. Attach a thick slice of potato to the burn. It will absorb the heat of the burn, help to  prevent blistering and also help to heal the skin.

Warts: Gently rub with raw potato once a day until wart shrinks and disappears.

Hot and Cold compress to Ease Pain:  Potatoes keep their temperature for a long time. Place either a thick slice or slices of hot potato or frozen potato slice/s in an old cotton sock.  Use as a compress.

Skin Stains:  Ink stains and food stains such as beetroot and turmeric can be rubbed off your hands and nails by cutting a potato in half and vigorously rubbing it on the stained area. Follow by rinsing the skin with lukewarm water and wipe dry.

In The Garden and in the Home

When you boil potatoes don’t add any salt to the water and don’t tip the water down the sink.  

Here’ are some tried and true reasons why.

Tarnish and Cloudiness Remover:  Place items in a bowl and let them soak in potato water for awhile. Rub with a dry cloth.

Window/Eyeglass Cleaner:  Rub a raw potato over the window or eyeglasses, then wipe with a clean dry cloth.

Carpet Stains: Grate a potato and place shavings into a cotton sock. Let stand for 1 min. Then place the sock on the stain for 1 min. Then, use the sock to scrub the stain for a few minutes. Wipe carpet clean with a warm damp cloth.

Cleaner: Drain the salty hot water off the potatoes and use it to clean burnt pots. It also works on the burnt glass top of the stove. You can use it as a cleaning agent to wipe dull linoleum or vinyl floors — they will look like new.

Bread Making:  Add potato water to dough mix. It will help bread to stay fresh longer.

Over Salting: If you realise while cooking,  that you have over salted pasta water, soup or sauces …. throw in a few thick pieces of potato to absorb the extra salt.  Discard when cooking is completed.

Shoes: Treat your old, comfortable pair of shoes to new life,. Rub over with a raw potato. Wipe off residue.  Polish the shoes. 

Strawberry Garden: Spray potato water over strawberry plants to prevent mildew.

Geraniums:  Grate a medium size potato. Place shavings around the base of the flowering plant. It will provide nutrients. Cover the shavings with a little soil or light mulch.Aphids: Here is a great tip for how to control aphids organically and without using toxic sprays. Cook potatoes without salt, let the water cool down, put it into a sprayer, and spray the plants. It will keep the aphids away. 

Rusty Garden Tools: Spread salt on a small plate. Cut a potato in half and dip the cut end into the salt.  Rub on the rusty areas, rinse and wipe dry with a old piece of towelling cloth.


1.  Potatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator, as their starch content will turn to sugar giving them an undesirable taste. Cooked potatoes will keep fresh in the refrigerator for several days. Potatoes do not freeze well. However if in a casserole, soup or stew base the potatoes will freeze for several weeks.

2.  Do not store potatoes near onions, as the gases that they each emit will cause the degradation of one another. 

3.  They should be kept in a bag in a dark cool place that is below room temperature.

Mature potatoes stored properly can keep for several months.  New potatoes are much more perishable and will only keep for one to two weeks.  

Storing Harvested Potatoes

Do not wash the potatoes before storing.  Use an old piece of towelling cloth to wipe off encrusted soil.  Be gentle.   Careful not to break the skin.  Place in a cool dark place.

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